My Super Awesome Travel Blog

Quick Trip to Haifa and Acre (Part II)

Jan 18, 2020 | Quick Trips

We were in Acre for one night , which was the perfect amount of time to spend in that city. Except for the hotel, we pretty much kept to the old city.

Day 4. Since we had to check out of the hotel, we packed our stuff and drove toward the old city, parking on the street somewhere just outside the city walls. We headed over to see the Hospitallers’ Fortress, which was pretty awesome. We ended up getting a combined ticket that also included entrances to the Okashi Museum, the Templars’ Tunnel, the Turkish Bath, and the Treasures in the Wall Museum, and so we popped into all of those as well. The Hospitaller’s Fortress is a must-see. The Turkish Bath was okay but the audio/visual “tour” was absolutely hillarious and alone worth the visit.

The sites on the ticket are interspersed throughout the old city, which is definitely worth a walk-through. There were a lot of cool looking restaurants and shops. But on recommendation of the bartender the night before, we got lunch at Hummus Abu Sohil. The hummus was amazing! The place is only open until around 3pm (because hummus is a traditional Arab breakfast).

On our way back to Tel Aviv, we stopped at the Karta Ruins Nature Reserve to see the ruins of an old crusader fortress. It was around sunset and and the ruins were really cool. There’s a short trail (about 30 minutes) that goes through the ruins and around the park. (We actually went back there a second time because we didn’t get to finish the trail the first time because it got dark).