My Super Awesome Travel Blog

Day Trip to Cessarea

May 18, 2020 | National Parks

We returned to Tel Aviv after our initial attempt to revisit Eilat, and so we still had our rental car. Before we headed back down south, we took a day trip to Cessarea, which we had been wanting to visit but had not because of the lockdown and closure of the national parks.  

Cessarea is pretty close to Tel Aviv, so it was an easy trip. And because of the border closure and need to make reservations, the park was relatively empty, which was really nice. (Cessarea is one of those places that is ususally super crowded with tourists during the summer).


Cessarea is an ancient port city that has ruins from just about every time peroid.

It’s definitely a site worth visiting. 

The park has a number of restaurants and cafes, and we probably could have spent longer there, but none of the food options really caught our fancy, and so we pretty much just stuck to walking around the ruins.