Quick Trip Back South

Quick Trip Back South

Four-day trip down south with stops on the way at Divira Forest and Mamshit National Park (old nabatean ruins). Snorkling at the coral reef in the Red Sea, an afternoon at a lake hidden in the Eilat mountains, a short hike through the Red Canyon, and a drive through Hai Bar wildlife preserve.

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Quick Trip Back North

Quick Trip Back North

With the lockdown nearing its end, we decided to take another trip up north. It was another short trip - two nights/three days. We rented a car in Tel Aviv and an Airbnb in the northern Galilee, which we used as our base. We drove north along the coastline and made a...

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Day Trip to Cessarea

Day Trip to Cessarea

We returned to Tel Aviv after our initial attempt to revisit Eilat, and so we still had our rental car. Before we headed back down south, we took a day trip to Cessarea, which we had been wanting to visit but had not because of the lockdown and closure of the national...

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Day Trip to Jerusalem Forrest

Day Trip to Jerusalem Forrest

We had our car for an extra day after our trip to the Dead Sea, so we decided to do a day trip for some quick hikes outside Jerusalem.  It was our first time venturing out on a Saturday, and it was definitely more crowded out. But still worth the trip!  Our first stop...

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Quick Trip to the Judean Desert and Dead Sea

Quick Trip to the Judean Desert and Dead Sea

We spent three nights in the Dead Sea area using Ein Bokek as our home base (it's about a 2.5-3 hour drive from Tel Aviv). This was a pretty great trip that involved some nature, hiking and relaxation at the Dead Sea. Day 1. We rented a car in Tel Aviv and drove along...

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Mount Sodom Salt Caves Hike

Mount Sodom Salt Caves Hike

Distance: 7.5km or 10.5kmType: LoopDifficulty: Moderate (with some difficult portions)Risk of Death: Mild-Moderate A quick note about this hike: There are a few sections of the hike that are fairly difficult with very little room for error. In particular, there are...

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Nahal Arugot Hike

Nahal Arugot Hike

Distance: 8kmType: LoopDifficulty: Moderate-DifficultClimb: 500 meters Start this hike early! The park authorities recommend to start no later than 8am (and entry to the trail is prohibited after 10am). You have to be out of the reserve by the time it closes (4pm in...

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Nahal Amud Hike

Nahal Amud Hike

This was a very pretty hike but the first part was heavily trafficked with teenage school children (we got there a little late in the afternoon). Like all other parks in the area, get there early to avoid the crowds. We followed the red trail down to the Black Trail...

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Tel Dan Nature Reserve

Tel Dan Nature Reserve

Tel Dan is super well curated with easy trails that take nowhere near as long as the trail map suggests. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in Israel. It is definitely worth a walk to the ancient ruins, and there is a wading pool that you can go...

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Mount Arbel Hike

Mount Arbel Hike

Type: LoopDistance: 8kmClimb: 330mDifficulty: Moderate (with some steep parts) This was one of my favorite hikes so far. It starts with an ascent to the Arbel fortress, which is carved into the side of the mountain. It then reaches the top of the mountain (a plateau)...

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Quick Trip to the Galilee and Golan

Quick Trip to the Galilee and Golan

This four-day trip included Beit She'an (an archological site), a hike through Mount Arbel (with an ancient fortress), an afternoon visit to Sefad, and visits to Tel Dan, Banias Nature Reserve, and Nimrod Fortress. We used Tiberias as our base. Day 1. We rented a car...

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Hermon Stream (Banias) Nature Reserve

Hermon Stream (Banias) Nature Reserve

Like Tel Dan, the reserve is very well curated, with easy trails and tons of beautiful imagery. There are two entrances to the park: the springs entrance and the waterfall entrance. The waterfall is a short walk from the waterfall parking lot and the springs (and...

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