My Super Awesome Travel Blog

Day Trip to Jerusalem Forrest

Mar 7, 2020 | National Parks, Uncategorized

We had our car for an extra day after our trip to the Dead Sea, so we decided to do a day trip for some quick hikes outside Jerusalem.  It was our first time venturing out on a Saturday, and it was definitely more crowded out. But still worth the trip!  Our first stop was Adlum  Grove. 


It was a small but super pretty park with a bunch of caves and ruins.  (We didn’t venture into the caves because they were guarded by like a zillion bees… the downside to venturing out in the spring when the flowers are blooming). 

There was a super old temple… a pyramid (well, a small one), and a cappurneum – like a really old hotel for messenger pigeons . 

And there were also these cool catacombs. 

After that, we drove out to the Jerusalem forerest and did an easy, but scenic hike. It was a lot more crowded than any of the other parks we had been to, and there were a couple of douches riding their four-wheelers, which was, eh. But the scenery was really pretty.