My Super Awesome Travel Blog

Mount Arbel Hike

Feb 27, 2020 | Hikes and Trails

Type: Loop
Distance: 8km
Climb: 330m
Difficulty: Moderate (with some steep parts)

This was one of my favorite hikes so far. It starts with an ascent to the Arbel fortress, which is carved into the side of the mountain. It then reaches the top of the mountain (a plateau) with an amazing view of the Galilee. The descent is on the other side of the mountain (after a quick stop at an ancient synagogue), which showcases an entirely different landscape. The trail continues back around the mountain right along (and across) a small stream.

The starting point to the hike is at the entrance to Hamam village. (Just park the car in any of the spots on the side of the road). There is a small national park sign at the entrance to the trail (which we missed the first time because there was construction).

Start the hike by following the Red Trail uphill.

After 400m, at the junction with the Green Trail, turn left and continue on the Red Trail.

Climb steadily for 2.4km, until the junction with the Black Trail.

The route continues on the Black Trail but before turning onto that trail, make a short detour to visit the Arbel Fortress. (Walk right, then up the stairs and visit the fortress that is carved into the cliff).

Then retrace steps back to the Black Trail and continue on the Black trail until the junction with the Blue trail at the top of the mountain. The ascent has some fairly steep parts (not very difficult but definitely steep).

Continue on the Black Trail for about 100m until the Carob Lookout (it’s under the single carob tree). (At this point, you are in the Arbel National Park, having entered through the back door).

View from the top of Mount Arbel

Continue on the Black Trail for 600m and reach the park entrance. (Pay the fee upon exiting).

Follow the paved road for 1.1km until the junction with the Green Trail and a small parking lot (on the left). Turn left and follow the Green trail until the ruins of the ancient synagogue.

Continue on the Green Trail and, after a few minutes, it will cross the paved road and start to descend to the wadi. Continue for 700m until the bed of the Arbel Wadi.

Turn right and continue on the Green Trail until the junction with the Red Trail (1.3km) where the route began.