My Super Awesome Travel Blog

Mount Sodom Salt Caves Hike

Mar 6, 2020 | Hikes and Trails

Distance: 7.5km or 10.5km
Type: Loop
Difficulty: Moderate (with some difficult portions)
Risk of Death: Mild-Moderate

A quick note about this hike: There are a few sections of the hike that are fairly difficult with very little room for error. In particular, there are some steep sections during the initial ascent where the ground is pretty unstable and sloped downward toward cavernous abysses (and the rocks along the side crumble when you grab onto them). But the geography is incredibly unique and beautiful. (Mount Sodom itself is perforated with about 150 salt caves, the largest concentration of salt caves on the panet). So if you can manage to not fall to your death off one of the cliffs, the hike is definitely worth it.

The starting point for the hike is on the shoulder of Route 90 (south of Ein Bokek, and slighly north of the Dead Sea Factories). Map is below.

Take the Blue Trail uphill and stay on it for 1.4km. The initial climb is steep but the trail makes a sharp left and levels out. (The cliffs of Mount Sodom are on the right and the Dead Sea is on the left).

After a few hundred meters, the trail makes a sharp right and resumes climbing until it hits a junction with the Red Trail. Turn right on the Red Trail and continue on it for a short but steep climb to the top of a hill.

Descend on the other side of the hill and turn right back onto the Blue Trail (If you want to shorten the trip by 3km, you can continue straight on the Red Trail and then follow the trail from where it intersects with the Black Trail).

The trail is now relatively flat (you are on the flat summit of Mount Sodom). After about 1km, just before the trail makes a sharp left, there is a viewpoint of the Dead Sea and the Moav Mountains across the border in Jordan.

Continue on the Blue trail. After a few hundred meters, it will begin to descend on the other side of the mountain until it meets a wide dirt road.

Turn left onto the dirt road and continue to follow the markers for the Blue Trail for 1.3km, until the dirt road intersects with another dirt road (with Black Trail markers).

Turn left on the Black Trail (the dirt road) and start climbing east. After about a kilometer, you will reach a junction with the Red Trail (this is where you would rejoin if you stayed on the Red Trail earlier).

Continue on the Black Trail for another 0.6km until you reach a parking lot and organized lookout point.

The dirt road now becomes a trail. Start descending the cliff back to the main road (Route 90). The descent (known as Ladders Ascent) is steep, but equiped with wooden stairs and metal ladders.

But be careful. The stairs are a little difficult as they are wierdly spaced and a lot of them are covered in loose dirt and rock and sloped downward. Also, the metal ladders are hot as f-ck in the sun.

At the bottom of the stairs, turn left and walk along the main road (Route 90) about 2.5km back to the starting point. After about 1.7km, you can see the “Lot’s Wife” rock pillar. (There’s also a pulloff area there and you will probably see a tour bus or two).

Starting Point: There’s no parking lot or park entrance for this hike. You have to just pull your car over and park it on the dirt shoulder (somewhere safe) and hope that it doesn’t get hit while you’re gone.